Málþing til minningar um Ronald Sultana

NICEC netverkið (National Institute for Career Education and Counselling) mun halda málþing (rafrænt) þriðjudaginn 21. maí kl. 14:00 – 16:30 til minningar um Ronald Sultana og hans framlag til náms- og starfsráðgjafi í formi rannsókna, stefnumótunar og hagnýtingar fræða sem leið til að efla félagslegt réttlæti.

Sjá nánari upplýsingar um skráningu á málþingið hér sem er opið öllum og ókeypis skráning í boði NICEC.


14:00WelcomeTristram Hooley (Professor of Career Education, University of Derby/INN, Chair)
14:10Introductory address – a legacy of solidaric critique and hope for a better world: a meditation on the legacy of Ronald SultanaTristram Hooley
Rie Thomsen (Professor of Career Guidance, Aarhus University, Denmark)
Manwel Debono (Associate professor, University of Malta)
14:30Panel contributions from colleagues from across the globe addressing Ronald’s work, how they have used it in their workEmad Helmy (CEO, Career Advisory Tools International)
Marcelo Afonso Ribeiro (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
Rosie Alexander (Lecturer, University of the West of Scotland)
Christabel Saliba (PhD student, University of Malta)
Gill Frigerio (Associate Professor, University of Warwick)
15:30Group discussion on the legacy of Ronald Sultana. What have people drawn on, how have they used it, and where are the gaps and areas for developmentFacilitated by Tristram Hooley, Rie Thomsen and Gill Frigerio
16:00Plenary DiscussionFacilitated by Tristram Hooley, Rie Thomsen and Gill Frigerio
16:15Closing remarks and filmThe Sultana Family
Tristram Hooley
Rie Thomsen
Gill Frigerio

NICEC netverkið (National Institute for Career Education and Counselling) mun halda málþing (rafrænt) þriðjudaginn 21. maí kl. 14:00 – 16:30 til minningar um Ronald Sultana og hans framlag til náms- og starfsráðgjafi í formi rannsókna, stefnumótunar og hagnýtingar fræða sem leið til að efla félagslegt réttlæti.

Sjá nánari upplýsingar um skráningu á málþingið hér sem er opið öllum og ókeypis skráning í boði NICEC.


14:00WelcomeTristram Hooley (Professor of Career Education, University of Derby/INN, Chair)
14:10Introductory address – a legacy of solidaric critique and hope for a better world: a meditation on the legacy of Ronald SultanaTristram Hooley
Rie Thomsen (Professor of Career Guidance, Aarhus University, Denmark)
Manwel Debono (Associate professor, University of Malta)
14:30Panel contributions from colleagues from across the globe addressing Ronald’s work, how they have used it in their workEmad Helmy (CEO, Career Advisory Tools International)
Marcelo Afonso Ribeiro (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
Rosie Alexander (Lecturer, University of the West of Scotland)
Christabel Saliba (PhD student, University of Malta)
Gill Frigerio (Associate Professor, University of Warwick)
15:30Group discussion on the legacy of Ronald Sultana. What have people drawn on, how have they used it, and where are the gaps and areas for developmentFacilitated by Tristram Hooley, Rie Thomsen and Gill Frigerio
16:00Plenary DiscussionFacilitated by Tristram Hooley, Rie Thomsen and Gill Frigerio
16:15Closing remarks and filmThe Sultana Family
Tristram Hooley
Rie Thomsen
Gill Frigerio